Everyone has fears but everyone’s fears are different to each other’s. One fear everyone has in common is death - afraid of dying leaving this world.Death comes in many shapes and forms but one man out of millions battles death every day he tries to live a normal life but he cant he took a path of no return.
James sat down to eat his breakfast, James had dark black hair it looked like coal, bright blue eyes that shone in the day and he was 25. Like every day after breakfast he headed out the door of his 5 bedroom house which was painted white so clean you couldn’t find a trace of dirt. James owned a car a Porsche boxstar S he got in it and let the engine come to life with a roar. James pulled out and started to drive well over the speed limit James enjoyed the feel of danger of excitement. Weaving in out of the other cars on the road he drove as fast as a bullet he had never crashed and this is how he enjoyed his life before work. Sometimes James would get caught but as he was so rich and famous he could get out of a jam with the police easily. James was now driving through the countryside to a lonely island where he worked.
Suddenly the road in front of him swirled and twisted and turned and James was thrown forward, for a minute he was in mid air sailing slowly then bam! He awoke he wasn’t on the road, he was somewhere else in a different world. The world was dead, the grass was grey, the trees were dead and black as coal. James picked up some grass and it turned into dust in his hand. A ghostly wind blew and the dust flew in the air. James watched the dust too.
Only the grim hooded skeleton with skull chest plate stood there holding its scythe the grim white hand pointing at James, a shiver ran down his spine. Death drew closer to James. James instincts kicked in and he started to run faster and faster but Death just glided nearer and nearer. James ran to an edge of a cliff where the drop was great he looked down and saw lava splashing flowing and bubbling at the bottom. To Death this was a game, which it kept losing, so many times since James was 13 years old, Death had from then on kept on coming back again and again.
Death never stopped, never slept only to feed on the dead souls, pain and anger it gives to people by taking away loved ones. James had to do something quick Death was nearly upon him “What’s the point James” a voice said “you can run but not hide, Death will always be there you can win only for a certain amount of time and then you’ll be too old and you’ll lose - just give up” the voice screamed into a terrible laugh which echoed in James' head.
James looked round the voice was right there’s nowhere to run. James was trapped he could do nothing. Death was now in front of James with its deep red eyes looking into at him as if it was looking into James' soul. Death grabbed James by the collar of his shirt and lifted him up. “Too long you have run, far too long, now this is over and I will finally have won this long game” said Death in a ghastly voice so quiet it was like a whisper.
Death pulled out a smaller scythe on a chain and put it in his belt. James punched Death hard on his chest plate to see Death laugh which no one has heard it made the dead world shake. The lava got violent and jumped up the cliff in waves melting the rock below the silence. Like a dead still silence the whole world started to crack and spill out lava. Death was hanging James over the cliff edge and let go of James' collar but James hung onto Death's hands attempting to bring him down with him. They dropped through the air going into the pit of lava the wind grew stronger suddenly with a burst of power and Death fell too next to James then the voice said something. “Time to say good night James you're finally going to die,at last you have been beaten and now you will burn until there's nothing left” whispered the voice. James grabbed for the cliff face hopping to grab hold of something. James hand got caught between two rocks breaking James arm but saving him for now. James looked down to see death fall but in horror to see death hanging onto James leg then it bit into James sending pure darkness into James. A scream came out of James, pain shaking the world, everything turned black, violent lava shot out of the ground again to send molten rocks in the air also filling the air with black ash. James' leg started to turn to bone under the power of darkness, the voice laughed again and it echoed around James but soon James the muscle holding the bone leg ripped, Death dropped with the bone into the fire pit SPLASH! Lava flew into the air burning James lower body. Death shouted and screamed until it was drowned under the lava. In horror James looked at his body where his legs should be and turned white and screamed,his lower body was burned and pouring out blood. The world started to spin and twist and turn. James awoke in the road he dragged himself up and saw his broken leg.
He had cheated Death again once more.
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